Dave Podeszwa is an Army veteran who has worked as a machinist, computer systems expert, technical writer, and technical trainer. He’s conducted workshops from Honolulu to London and throughout North America. He is a world traveler. Businesses served include financial, insurance, retail, foods, service, health care, municipalities, manufacturing and even pest management.
Dave has a degree in Electrical Engineering and certifications in Total Organizational Development, Continuous Improvement and Certified Value Specialist and has been involved in his community as a Civil Service Commissioner for 24 years. He has conducted workshops for non-profit, union, non-union for all levels, and all sizes of organizations.
Dave served as a training director for a Fortune 100 company for 15 years prior to starting his own consulting business, D. L. Podeszwa & Associates, in 1993.
Telephone: 1-414-545-8890